3 Things To Do Today In Reno


By Natalie West

The key to a motivated, successful Monday starts with your Sunday. Here are three things to do today that will keep your mind at peace and your motivation up for the upcoming week!

 1. Visit Your Favorite Coffee Shop

I love posting up at coffee bar a local coffee shop here in Midtown Reno. Not only does the space offer a creative and inspiring environment, it also allows me to get lost in my current favorite read or in my journal. Spend time relaxing and enjoying the presence of the coffee lovers around you. If you don’t live near a local coffee shop take the time to enjoy an afternoon bike ride or stroll with a homemade cup of coffee. Bringing more “me” time into this world will allow for a happier healthier life and make you thrive in all aspects of your life. 

2. Plan Your Week

Our weeks can sound intimidating and sometimes just impossible, the best way to accomplish your week is a mapped out organized plan of attack. Color coordinating your tasks can help you take a deep breath and see that you can accomplish your day’s tasks. Start with your morning, write down key points that need attention and move into your afternoon! Don’t forget to add motivational reminders throughout to keep you grounded! I promise the day will move faster and at the end of the day you get the satisfaction of crossing your day off! Hey one-step closer to the weekend, and who doesn’t love going crazy with a pack of highlighters.

3. Visit your local museum

Surrounding yourself with the creativity of others does something spectacular to yourself; you develop an urge for creativity and self-awareness. Spend time walking around and acknowledging your favorite pieces and your not so favorite ones. Question yourself why you like certain pieces, what draws you to them? What doesn’t draw you to them? Once you get back home try to pick up a pen and piece of paper and see what comes to mind. Even if you aren’t much of the creative type see what happens when you put your mind on a piece of paper. You might find out a whole lot about yourself.

Clear your schedule and your mind and try to do at least three things to treat yourself and your mind. Enjoy!


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